PCC Community
PCC is strongly committed to serving our community.

PCC Volunteer Program
PCC is committed to serving non-profit organizations in our community. PCC directly supports a number of organizations and has established an employee volunteer program. To further this commitment to community, every PCC employee is given paid time out of the office to volunteer with local causes of their choice. PCC volunteer activities include blood donation drives, charity fundraising event participation, organizing clothing drives, supporting the USO at the Milwaukee International Airport as well as serving on charitable event committees.
Recent Community News
PCC is proud to sponsor the Brandon’s B Positive Run/Walk on July 29th, 2017
Saturday, July 29, 2017 @ 8:30 AM | St. Mary Catholic High School, Neenah, WI
In memory of Brandon Willems, his family has established a memorial scholarship to benefit a college bound graduate of St. Mary Central High School. Brandon’s dream was to go to college and pursue an education that would prepare him for a career in the medical field. Through the help of many of our family, friends, sponsors and donors, Brandon will realize his dream by helping other students realize theirs. Throughout his life, Brandon took great satisfaction from putting the needs of others ahead of his. He lived his life in this way until he was called to Heaven on May 15, 2010 after a 10 month battle with leukemia. Brandon was an inspiration to many people and through his strength, sense of humor and “B positive attitude”, he dramatically changed the life of those around him.
Learn more and register at 5kforbrandon.com >>
“Given all they do, I just want to make sure they understand that I, the company I work for, and a large portion of the private sector is truly appreciative of the commitment they are making and the role they are looking to fulfill in the military.”
Organizations we support.

USO of Wisconsin
The mission of the USO is enhancing the quality of life of military members and their families who reside in or transit Wisconsin.
The USO of Wisconsin, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization currently operating two centers in Wisconsin, serving more than 25,000 military families throughout Wisconsin. The USO has had a continuous presence throughout Wisconsin since 1943 through the global parent company USO Inc. In 1984, it was incorporated as the USO of Wisconsin, Inc. and a Charter Center of the USO worldwide organization.
In October of 2011, the USO of WI center opened at General Mitchell International Airport. More than 10,000 military members, families, and veterans pass through this relaxing oasis away from the bussle of the airport. In November of 2011, a center was opened at Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) in Milwaukee. More than 9,000 new recruits and their families pass through this center where volunteers offer support and guidance. In 2015, a new center opened at Fort McCoy near Tomah, WI. It consists of a presence on each of the two Forward Operating Bases (FOB) to serve the 140,000 trainees that pass through the base.
Today PCC’s Director of Sales Dan Carney, volunteers at least 12 hours a month at the USO’s Milwaukee Airport location where he assists young military recruits and welcomes active military service members and their families.
Learn more at http://www.usowisconsin.org/

The mission of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is to cure cystic fibrosis and to provide all people with the disease the opportunity to lead full, productive lives by funding research and drug development, promoting individualized treatment and ensuring access to high-quality, specialized care.
When the CF Foundation was established in 1955, people born with the disease weren’t expected to live to attend elementary school. Today, because of CFF’s efforts, people with CF are living into their 30s, 40s and beyond.
A long time supporter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, PCC has previously chaired the Milwaukee Bucks/CFF Golf Outing. Today, PCC sponsors fundraising events for the foundation, participates in the planning committee of the Milwaukee Wine Opener, and donates services to the foundations various marketing and design efforts.
Learn more at: http://www.cff.org/Wisconsin/